Biotech industry kills another cancer patient in experimental drug study
(NaturalNews) Despite the growing body of evidence proving that natural cancer treatments are more effective than those involving...

Six Amazing Health Benefits of Marijuana
Although marijuana has been researched for medical use, not nearly enough research has been undertaken, because the marijuana plant is...

Study finds medical marijuana helpful for 92 percent of Californians
Medical marijuana is often steeped in controversy, with some saying it’s a giant con and others saying it’s a necessary treatment to help...

Chronic Disease And Inflammation – How Medical Marijuana Can Help
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has acknowledged that chronic diseases are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world. The...

“Too Big to Jail”: The Revolving Doors - From HSBC to the Clintons
The Revolving Doors between governments and corporations go way beyond conflicts of interest. A criminal network exists that is...

Operation Gladio / The Strategy of Tension
What has come to be called Operation Gladio was never intended to be publicly acknowledged. It was a multi-national military plan to arm...

Cell Phones, WiFi Devices, Hotspots, Smart Meters..: The Health Impacts of Low Intensity Electromagn
We bring to the attention of our readers the research conducted under the auspices of BioInitiative 2012 on the health impacts of...

How Marijuana Helps Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Although limited studies have been carried out on the effects of marijuana on triple negative breast cancer, current thinking is that...

Palestine: Gaza Has The Highest Cancer Rate In The World
The Palestinian Gaza Strip has the highest rates of cancer in the world #Palestine #zionists #warcrimes #cancer #News

Soros has dished out 5.3m Euros for Macedonia "colorful protests"
Soros has financed Macedonia's protests with at least 5.3m euros in an attempt to bring about regime change of democratically elected...