Biotech industry kills another cancer patient in experimental drug study

(NaturalNews) Despite the growing body of evidence proving that natural cancer treatments are more effective than those involving dangerous pharmaceuticals, the cancer industry continues killing patients in its reckless pursuit of profits – as evidenced by the latest death which occurred during clinical trials of an experimental drug made by biotech company Ziopharm Oncology Inc. A patient suffering from a recurrent brain tumor died from bleeding in the skull shortly after beginning treatment with the Ziopharm gene therapy drug known as Ad-RTS-hIL-12. The drug is designed to be injected directly into a tumor, theoretically producing a tumor-shrinking autoimmune response, but the patient in question instead suffered from an intracranial hemorrhage 15 days after receiving the Ad-RTS-hIL-12 injection.
Ziopharm stock takes a plunge
News of the death became public after a closed-door scientific workshop at which Ziopharm CEO Laurence Cooper first disclosed the fatality during a presentation that was part of a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The death rated only a single bullet point in Cooper's presentation slides, but when the news leaked out, Ziopharm stock took an immediate 16 percent tumble. Two other deaths during Ad-RTS-hIL-12 trials were also reported, but Ziopharm claims they were unrelated to the drug. The Phase 1 study of the drug is being conducted on patients suffering from Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a common but difficult-to-treat form of brain cancer. Conventional treatments for GBM have so far proven to be only marginally effective. From Fox News: "GBM typically results in death in the first 15 months after diagnosis. The mainstay of treatment is surgery, followed by radiation and chemotherapy, and the most effective therapies introduced in recent decades have improved median survival rates by only three months, according to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons." The news of the Ziopharm deaths comes amid increased scrutiny of the cancer drug industry, triggered by two other recent patient deaths during clinical trials of another experimental cellular therapy drug made by Juno Therapeutics Inc.
The cancer conspiracy
Despite the health risks associated with conventional cancer drugs and their overall lack of effectiveness, the cancer industry continues trying to push its poisons on desperate patients who will understandably try anything that might save their lives – no matter how dangerous, expensive or ineffective it may be. The cancer industry preys on sick people, while suppressing any information regarding safe and effective natural treatments; it's a multi-billion dollar criminal industry sanctioned by a corrupt federal regulatory system that turns a blind eye to even the most egregious offenses. Ziopharm, for example, keeps on trying to find a use for Ad-RTS-hIL-12, even though the drug has already proven to be ineffective in treating other types of cancer. From The Street: "Ziopharm first tried Ad-RTS-hIL-12 in patients with skin cancer, but subpar response rates and competition from other, more effective, cancer immunotherapies led the company to back off that indication. In a study of 12 breast cancer patients treated with Ad-RTS-hIL-12 and veledimex, a single patient had a partial response, according to data presented at a November 2015 cancer immunotherapy meeting." The fact that human trials of these dangerous and useless drugs are allowed to continue while the FDA does its best to outlaw natural therapies and nutritional supplements is a testament to the fact that the entire medical industry and the federal regulatory system have been taken taken over by a gang of ruthless profit-mongering frauds who don't care about people's lives at all. It's time to expose these criminals for who they really are, and it's also high time to get rid of those within the government and medical industry who are doing their bidding. Sources: