Smoking gun: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms

Some stories need to be retold, especially in light of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe , now showing in theaters as the controversy rages concerning the MMR vaccine’s link to autism. Thom Hartman interviewed Vaxxed director Andrew Wakefield and producer Del Bigtree, who shared some undeniable — and chilling — facts.
In 2012, a study was done at the University of Pittsburg using infant monkeys as guinea pigs. These animals were given standard childhood doses of vaccines . Guess what happened? The monkeys developed autistic symptoms, as reported by Natural News.
“Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, the findings revealed that young macaque monkeys given the typical CDC-recommended vaccination schedule from the 1990s, and in appropriate doses for the monkeys’ sizes and ages, tended to develop autism symptoms. Their unvaccinated counterparts, on the other hand, developed no such symptoms, which points to a strong connection between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders.
“Included in the mix were several vaccines containing the toxic additive Thimerosal, a mercury-based compound that has been phased out of some vaccines, but is still present in batch-size influenza vaccines and a few others. Also administered was the controversial measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which has been linked time and time again to causing autism and various other serious, and often irreversible, health problems in children.”
Was this study on primates just disregarded? Why don’t vaccines need to be proven safe before they are rushed to market? Why are thousands, if not millions, of families around the globe suffering from the tragic effects of untested filled syringes with mercury, aluminum , formaldehyde , bovine extract, et al? With profit being the name of the game, the destruction of the next generation will continue. What will you do to stop it?