Soros has dished out 5.3m Euros for Macedonia "colorful protests"

Soros has financed Macedonia's protests with at least 5.3m euros in an attempt to bring about regime change of democratically elected Government - reports NetPress. The 5.3m euros are just an official number available in Open Society's accounting, the actual amount is likely much higher, reports Netpress in its analysis.
Individuals who have received money are SDSM MPs, lawyers, judges, journalists, professors, self proclaimed activists etc. Their main duties are to create a twisted picture of the situation of the country, to deepen the crisis with the ultimate goal is to insert SDSM in the Government without elections.
According to NetPress, SDSM MPs have received millions of denars deposited to their Banking accounts just in the past two years.
Soros Open Society budget of 5.3m euros in its entirety has been spent on "donations" to dozens of ficticious NGOs who are set up in a pyramid-like structure whos main purpose is to serve as quantity to showcase sheer nummbers, but more importantly, through these ficticious NGOs money is wired to the accounts of Soros bots and SDSM activists involved in the painting campaign.
There are a total of 77 such ficiticious NGOs who exists only on paper, with Open Society overseeing them all. SDSM signed a cooperation agreement with Open Society, as a result much of the SDSM demands matched closely those of Open Society and by default those of the US, reports NetPress.