Human genes legally protected from patents, but why aren’t GMO plant genes protected?
In what was truly a miraculous ruling, the United States Supreme Court came to the unanimous conclusion that human genes cannot be...

The Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act is America’s first step towards establishin
Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu have introduced legislation that provides an inclusive strategy to “combat” disinformation and...

Smoking gun: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms
Some stories need to be retold, especially in light of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe , now showing in theaters as...

Here’s the full list of all the health conditions that can get you prescribed antidepressants… even
Seems to me that depression is becoming an industry like cancer. I suppose it’s another eugenic method of human disposal . And it just...

Chemtrail conspiracy exposed: They’re real, and they’re out to poison us all!
e you familiar with those long, white streams of cloudy haze commonly blasted by unmarked airplanes? Well, apparently, these unusual...

DARPA spent $62 million creating microchips for humans
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is in the process of making a neural-coding device capable of controlling...

The cell phone radiation-induced cancer time bomb is about to explode
In 2008, J. Leonard Lichtenfeld, MD, MACP was the Deputy Chief Medical Office for the American Cancer Society’s national office. He...

Are Antibiotics Irrelevant Because of Colloidal Silver?
The problem with antibiotics is that they are incapable of killing every single bacterial organism. This means that only the toughest,...

Biotech industry kills another cancer patient in experimental drug study
(NaturalNews) Despite the growing body of evidence proving that natural cancer treatments are more effective than those involving...

Six Amazing Health Benefits of Marijuana
Although marijuana has been researched for medical use, not nearly enough research has been undertaken, because the marijuana plant is...