Select treaties and documents to illustrate the development of the modern European states system, 18
#Books #EU #NATO #UN #controllinggovernment

Why wars come; or, Forms of government and foreign policies in relation to the causes of wars
#war #Refugees #warcrimes #Books

Business Methods and the War (1915)
#UN #war #Books #Britishempire #Armsdealers #NATO

Confessions of a British Spy / Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East
It concerns a british spy plot to destabilize the Ottoman Empire in the early 1700's. The article, if genuine (and it appears to be) was...

The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives / Zbigniew Brzezinski (1997
#ZbigniewBrzezinski #TheGrandChessboard #Books #war #Armsdealers #NATO #UN

UN 1976 Weather Weapon Treaty
#Chemtrails #Weathermodification #Books #UN #NATO #experiments