Confessions of a British Spy / Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East

It concerns a british spy plot to destabilize the Ottoman Empire in the early 1700's. The article, if genuine (and it appears to be) was translated into english from a Turkish document.
It relates the story of how a young Muslim, Wahhabi, by name was "recruited" by a British spy (Hempher). The purpose of the plot was to cause Muslims to begin fighting amongst themselves and therebye distract the Ottoman authorities from what was really going on. This was to be achieved by corrupting the mainstream Muslim religions.
This man went on to begin the Wahhabi movement in what is now Saudi Arabia. As we all know, that is where the "big bucks" are coming from that support the Muslim extremists that continue to howl for the blood of those who don't think as they do.
As indicated in that document the relationship between Wahhabi and the tribal chief that protected him during the startup period continues to this day in the modern rulers of that country and the Wahhabi religion..
It is a fascinating "read" in light of what is now happening in the world and if you follow the thought and begin to research other articles on the net, many placed there by Muslims fighting back, you are going to be appalled.
There is a great deal of information available to read and it is well worth the time spent digging for it.
I recommend "confessions of a british spy" to everyone as a great place to start on the path to "enlightenment" regarding peaceful Muslims today and the problems that they face.
It will create an entirely different picture of the current unrest and the reasons for it in your mind.