The Diamond Empire
What we think about diamonds, is in fact, a myth. At the center of that myth is an illusion, that diamonds are valuable because they are...
A Class Divided (1985)
Elliott divided her class by eye color -- those with blue eyes and those with brown. On the first day, the blue-eyed children were told...
Het grote complot - De Wereld Verklaard / De Moraalridders
In de serie,"Het Grote Complot - De Wereld Verklaard" gingen de Moraalridders Muntz en Van de Wint op zoek naar de alomvattende...
On Modern Servitude / Life in a Totalitarian Mercantile System (2009)
The central objective of this film is to reveal man's condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile...
Peace, Propaganda, And The Promised Land
When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that...
The Winged Beatle (2012)
This is a great documentary. There is much information that I have never seen before regarding McCartney’s death. Very well documented...
How Modern Radiation Limits Were Based On A Hiroshima Cover Up
Atomic Wounds: Looking at how the US covered up the danger of radiation at Hiroshima in order to develop the nuclear power industry. ...
The Art of Deception (Full Movie)
The truth about Global Warming, Kony 2012 & Zeitgeist. Over the past decade, the documentary genre has become a bad joke. Fact is no...
IRGUN - Early Israeli Terrorism / International Terrorism.
On 22 Ju ly 1946, a massive explosion ripped through the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, headquarters of the British administration in...
The Strategy of Tension / Counter Intelligence Part III
The Strategy of Tension examines the history of false flag operations used for war, propaganda and psychological operations--or...