What the latest research into legal cannabis use reveals

At an international health conference in Jerusalem, information was revealed as to how patients react and respond to medical marijuana. The study, carried out by Professor Shvartzman of Ben-Gurion University, Health Sciences Faculty, concluded that most users enjoy significant benefits from medical marijuana.
The study looked at patients’ socio-economic backgrounds, disease profiles and observed how new patients responded over a two year period. They were interviewed by phone during the first three months of their treatment and then every four months for two years.
Cancer patients and non-cancer patients were observed. Forty percent of the non-cancer patients and 49.3% of the cancer patients were employed. Of the non-cancer patients, 30.4% and 47.9% of the cancer patients had an academic education. Of the non-cancer patients, 56.7% were married, compared to 65.3% of the cancer patients.
Close to half of all the patients had received recommendations for medical cannabis from their doctors, while only 24% were introduced to medical marijuana from a friend or family member. Of the 78 cancer patients observed, 60% were male.
Almost 100 % (99.6%) of patients applied for marijuana supplies after taking conventional medications that were not effective and over half were willing to take medical marijuana because previous conventional pharmaceutical drugs caused side effects.
Some minor side effects of marijuana included dry mouth, hunger, elevated moods, sleepiness, fatigue, red eyes and blurred vision. However, the majority of patients reported that their pain, nausea, anxiety appetite and general quality of life had improved significantly. Fewer than one in ten reported that the treatment was not effective.
Israel is advanced when it comes to cannabis-related exploration. Even though the nation enforces a strict ban on recreational use of marijuana, Israeli doctors have prescribed it to more than 25,000 Israeli patients in order to alleviate their symptoms. Forbidden to export its cannabis plants, Israel is concentrating instead on marketing its agronomic, medical and technological expertise in the hope of becoming a world hub in the field.