Older people all across the USA are turning to marijuana to cure their ailments

People in their late fifties and upwards are increasingly taking medical marijuana to treat conditions like insomnia, depression and even serious illnesses like cancer. Recognizing that a healthy, natural diet will prolong their lives, they are now realizing that medical marijuana helps treat a variety of conditions, and without all the devastating side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. So how can you help your ageing parents or grandparents transition from pharmaceuticals to medical marijuana?
Firstly, realize that many are probably not newcomers to the pot culture. Many oldsters are the same dudes that grew their hair long and wore head bands and protested the Vietnam war era. Most of them smoked marijuana decades ago and are now realizing that medical marijuana is the one thing that really works for the many conditions that come with age. Many report that it is a wonderful medicine that makes them happier and healthier.
However, not all seniors have tried marijuana in their youth and are first time users. It’s important to educate seniors on how to use it properly and how to take it in the right quantities. A medically qualified doctor can help them to do this, and a dispensary staff can offer valuable advice. Different strains of marijuana can make a difference. Indica strain helps to make one feel more mellow and calm, the sativa strain can make one feel energized, alert and active.
Marijuana can be taken in a multitude of ways from a tincture, to capsules, suppositories, creams and edibles. It can even be used topically for skin problems or arthritis.
Arguments that may help elderly patients to transition from pharmaceuticals to medical marijuana is to reassure them that they don’t have to stop taking their regular medications if they don’t want to, the medical marijuana can be a supplement. Make sure they know that it’s not physically addictive, nor can they overdose on it. No overdose deaths have ever been attributed to marijuana.